The World's
First Autonomous Data Agent
Gaia puts AI-powered, voice-driven data insights in the pocket of every CEO who's ever been frustrated by having to wait for answers.
Like your personal agent,
Gaia watches, talks, & takes action.
Always On Issue Detection
Gaia is proactive — it tells you when problems are occurring so you're not tied to a dashboard hoping you don't miss an issue.
Just Speak, No PhD Required
Using powerful RASA natural language understanding, you can ask Gaia about your data without any training. Ask question, get the answer.
Execute tasks, Assign Actions
Gaia makes acting on insights easy. Just tell Gaia to schedule a meeting about the data or even execute complex tasks in systems like Infor Coleman.
Life Looks
Better With Gaia
A revolution in analytics:
Ask questions, Get your answers.
You don’t need experts to perform your analysis and you don’t need to wait for insights.
Complex, costly, labor-intensive platforms mean that insights have been domain of experts, not the business leaders who need data the most. That changes now.
Gaia is a “data agent" — it finds insights in your data and brings them to you as it finds them simply by talking.
From simple questions like “what are sales” to forecasts such as “what will sales be next quarter” and more complex analysis like “why are sales in the northwest so low”, Gaia’s AI engines have you covered.
It works on your behalf, like a human "agent" might. It's always monitoring, can tell you when your attention is needed, and takes actions for you. All from your phone.
It works on its own. It's proactive, constantly monitoring your data and taking action when required. No need to stop and open dashboards.
It uses your data wherever and whatever it is - to generate insights. Gaia delivers information about patterns, anomalies, and root causes.
It works on its own. It's proactive, constantly monitoring your data and taking action when required. No need to stop and open dashboards.
It uses your data wherever and whatever it is - to generate insights. Gaia delivers information about patterns, anomalies, and root causes.
It works on your behalf, like a human "agent" might. It's always monitoring, can tell you when your attention is needed, and takes actions for you. All from your phone.
A day with
Gaia on your team
The CEO wakes up and checks her mobile
Gaia shows important alerts about her sales and represents them graphically.
And gets out of bed to grab coffee before starting her day
Gaia works with, not in place of your existing analytics.
We think the idea of “rip & replace" is outdated. Gaia works with your existing analytics to provide trusted insights based on your current data model.
Know when things happen.
Gaia is always monitoring your data, looking for patterns and issues.
Make forecasts with your voice
Run advanced forecasting models like prophet just by asking a question.
Learn why things are occurring
With Gaia, you can learn why things are happening, not just what's happening.